The text of this hymn, penned by Julia H. Johnston, contains the beautiful line "Grace that is greater than all my sin"--a line that speaks to the immense, bottomless, boundless grace that we have in Jesus. How do we experience this marvelous grace? Only through the blood of Jesus. While arranging and recording this hymn, the words of John Owen rang in my mind: "Christ loves life, grace, and holiness into us; he loves us also into covenant, loves us into heaven. Whatever good Christ by his love wills to any, that willing is operative of that good . . . How many millions of sins, in every one of the elect (every one of which is enough to condemn us all) has this love overcome! What mountains of unbelief does it remove! What streams of grace, purging, pardoning, quickening, assisting, flows from it every day!" 1. Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt, yonder on Calvary's mount out-poured, there where the blood of the Lamb was spilt. Refrain: Grace, grace, God's grace, grace that will pardon and cleanse within; grace, grace, God's grace, grace that is greater than all our sin. 2. Dark is the stain that we cannot hide, what can avail to wash it away! Look! there is flowing a crimson tide; whiter than snow we've been washed and saved. [Refrain] 3. Sin and despair like the sea waves cold, threaten the soul with infinite loss; grace that is greater, yes, grace untold, points to the Refuge the mighty Cross. [Refrain] This month's prelude was recorded with a variety of instruments (a first for us!): guitar, violins, melodica, piano, and Irish flute.