Salvation Through Division | Luke 2:34-50


Jesus saves us, not just through bringing peace, but bringing opposition upon himself as the Suffering Servant who dies for our sins.

This division that Jesus will bring is the ultimate division that finally and eternally designates every individual as being in or out of the family of God.

Like Mary, we must learn to marvel that our salvation is much greater than our worldly expectations. But also, like Mary, we must learn that the cost of salvation was greater than we could ever have expected.

D Thomas
How to Die in Peace | Luke 2:21-38


Make the joy of seeing Jesus your "bucket list"

Worship in the waiting

Receive Jesus and consider your salvation as good as done

Make Christ the glory of the church and the light of revelation to our non-believing neighbors

D Thomas
No Longer a Slave, but a Son | Galatians 3:26-4:31


Symbolically, we receive salvation the way Abraham received Isaac, and not the way Abraham received Ishmael. vv. 4:21-31

Now literally, receiving the incarnate Seed of Abraham by faith, we actually inherit the blessings of being adopted into the one unified family of God. vv. 3:26-4:7

D Thomas
Saved by the Object of Faith, Not the Work of Faith | Galatians 3


The experience of conversion proves that we are justified by Spirit-given faith and not by flesh-given faith. vv 1-5

Scripture proves that justification for the Old and New Testament saints has always been by imputed righteousness of Christ through faith in Him. vv. 6-18

Application: "Lord I believe, help my unbelief."

D Thomas
Book of Obadiah, Part 2 | Obadiah 15-21


The Prophecy (vv. 15-21) - Judgment on the Nations and the Restoration of Israel

Christ in Obadiah

Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated - The Doctrine of Election

D Thomas
It's All About Jesus | Isaiah 56:3-8


Isaiah 56:3-8, A dry tree: It's All About Jesus

Isaiah 53:5-7, A suffering servant: It's All About Jesus

Acts 8:26-40, On the road to Gaza: It's All About Jesus

D Thomas
The Priesthood of All Believers | 1 Peter 2:9-10


Look forward to reigning with Christ as kings and priests on earth

Reclaim the protestant heritage that rediscovered the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers

Know that this doctrine is apostolic

Seek the Holy Spirit, who birthed this new priesthood on the day of Pentecost

Follow Jesus' own teachings on the priesthood of all believers

Fulfill the Old Testament call to be a holy nation

Be a restored gardener

D Thomas
Be Strong and Build the Church, for God Is with You | Haggai 2:1-9


Haggai encourages the remnant to be strong and to keep working, remembering that God has always been with them. vv. 1-5

Haggai encourages the remnant to not be discouraged by disappointing results because God promises that the glory of the latter temple will be even greater than the former. vv. 6-9

Answers to possible objections.

D Thomas