Sermon Outline
Paul’s Covenant Greeting
Paul Exhorts Timothy to Persevere in the Faith, by the Holy Spirit
Paul Exposes Apostasy and Intercedes for Onesiphorus
Paul’s Covenant Greeting
Paul Exhorts Timothy to Persevere in the Faith, by the Holy Spirit
Paul Exposes Apostasy and Intercedes for Onesiphorus
Sheepdoor and Sheepfold - Jesus as the only way of Salvation
Shepherd and Sheep - Jesus gave His life for His Sheep
Safe and Secure - Jesus assures eternal life to His Sheep
The Gracious Care of Our Shepherd in Life
The Comforting Presence of Our Shepherd through Death
The Abundant Provision of Our Shepherd for Eternity
Being Forthright about Discipline
Calling for Self-Examination
Doing All Things for the Truth
Concluding Farewell with Trinitarian Blessing
Signs of an Apostle, yet Silent Saints?
Loving Sacrifice, yet Loved Less?
Right Motive, yet Unrepentant Response?
Understanding God’s Will: Predestination of Sinners unto Salvation in Christ
Understanding Man’s Will: Total Inability of Sinners Apart from Christ
Exalting Grace
Humbling Grace
Strengthening Grace
A Servant Apostle (not at all inferior to others)
A Sincere Apostle (not as those who deceive)
A Suffering Apostle (not as those who boast in their strength)
Jealous for the Bride of Christ
Fearful of Satanic Deception
Danger of Tolerating False Teaching
Judging Ministers by Biblical Criteria
Authority of Ministers for the Church's Edification
Faithful Ministers with the Lord's Commending
Personal Appeal with the Meekness of Christ
Bold Warriors against Opposition to Christ
Mighty Weapons of Warfare in Christ
Revealed midst the Setting of a Wedding
A sign of God’s Gracious Provision
For the Sake of His Disciples Faith
Sent for Communion with Christ
Sent to Convict the World
Send to Guide into All Truth
Sight for the Man Born Blind
Blindness of the Unbelieving Jews
Judgement Concerning Spiritual Vision
Faithfully Administering the Gifts Given
Purposefully Giving from a Cheerful Heart
Prayerfully Trusting for God’s Sufficient Supply
Thankfully Responding to God’s Surpassing Grace
Sermon Outline
Freely Willing Regardless of Means
Abounding as Those Who Belong to the Lord
Self-sacrificially as a Pattern of Christ-like Love
Supplying Needs in Equality with Fellow Believers
Context of Ministerial Concern
Produced from Godly Sorrow
Evidenced by Reforming Action
Not Being Yoked Together with Unbelievers
As the Temple of the Living God
Cleansing Ourselves from All Filthiness
Having Our Minds Set on Things Above
Living as Those Destined for Eternal Glory