Serving in the Providential Context of the Times
Submitting in Good Conscience to Human Masters
Called to Following in Christ’s Steps
Serving in the Providential Context of the Times
Submitting in Good Conscience to Human Masters
Called to Following in Christ’s Steps
Through Honorable Conduct among the World
Through Submission to Governing Authorities
Living Stones—Being Built Up as a Spiritual House
True Believers—Secure in the Chief Cornerstone
The People of God—for Proclaiming His Praises
Loving One Another
Having Been Born Again
Craving God’s Word for Spiritual Growth
A Readiness for Holy Living
A Holy Conduct in Godly Fear
As Redeemed by the Blood of Christ
Carefully Searched by the Prophets
Graciously Revealed for Our Sake
Powerfully Ministered through Gospel Preaching
Grieved by Various Trials
Proving the Genuineness of Our Faith
Overjoyed with Salvation in Jesus
To Elect Pilgrims in This World
As Born Again to a Living Hope
Kept by the Power of God for Salvation
Insecure Rulers Seek to Secure Christ’s Tomb
Witness and Worship of the Risen Christ
Common Cover-up and Great Commission
The Sanhedrin Council: Jesus Exposes Unbelieving Motives
The High Priest Caiaphas: Jesus Evokes an Unwitting Prophecy
The Concluding Command: Jesus Eludes the Unjust Rulers
Sovereign Design: “That the Son of God may be glorified through it”
Confirming Promise: “I am the resurrection and the life”
Powerful Command: “Lazarus, come forth!”
“Your Power and Your glory”
“Your lovingkindness is better than life”
“You have been my help”
Abiding in Christ’s Love
Chosen to Be Christ’s Disciples
Appointed for Bearing Lasting Fruit
Andrew, Another, and Simon Called to Follow Jesus
Philip and Nathanael Called to Follow Jesus
Providing the Church with Formal Offices
Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry
Growing Up in the Truth of Christ
Edifying the Body in Love
Growing in Your Appreciation of Grace:
The sicker you become of sin, the more you will appreciate grace.
The more you learn of creation and providence, the more you will appreciate grace.
The more you thank God for His blessings, the more you will appreciate grace.
The more you reflect on God's redemptive plan, the more you will appreciate grace.
Measuring Your Appreciation of Grace:
The more obedient you will be.
The more you will extend grace to others.
The smaller will be your pride.
The greater will be your thankfulness.
God’s Mystery Revealed to the Apostles
God’s Wisdom Revealed through the Chuirch
Given All Authority in Heaven and on Earth
Command to Make Disciples of All the Nations
Promise of Abiding Presence to the End of the Age
God-ordained Seed - who came from the Father
God-glorifying Lord - who saves from sin and death
God-honored Son - who knows and obeys the Father
God-incarnate Redeemer - in whom we are to rejoice
Questioning by the Unbelieving Sadducees
Understanding the Scriptures Rightly
Testifying to the Resurrection Power God