Pure and Undefiled: James 1:26-27


In Relation to Our Speaking -- "Bridle the Tongue"

In Relation to Our Caring -- "Visit Orphans and Widows"

In Relation to Our Holy Living -- "Keep Unspotted from the World"

D Thomas
Struggling Wives and the Children of Jacob | Genesis 29:31 - 30:24

Note: Due to technical problems, only the first half of the sermon is available


Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah: Unloved Leah Granted an Open Womb

Dan, Naphtali: Barren Rachel Resorts to Maid Bilhah

Gad, Asher: Unbearing Leah REsorts to Maid Zilpah

Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah: Resentful Leah Makes a Deal over Mandrakes

Joseph: Prayerful Rachel Granted Conception and Birth

D Thomas