The Beauty, Goodness, and Truth of the Story of Jonah | Jonah 1:1-5


The Beauty of the Story of Jonah: Be in fearful awe of the spectacular way the word of our majestic God comes

The Goodness of the Story of Jonah: Life application? Don't be like Jonah.

The Truth of the Story of Jonah: Remember that the story is about who God is, and what God really did accomplish in history.

D Thomas
The Way of the Cross | Matthew 4:1-11


First Temptation: Desire of the Flesh - Satan mocks Jesus questioning His identity as "Son of God" by tempting Him to end the God ordained fast.

Second Temptation: Pride of Life - Satan tempts Jesus to prove Himself by another miraculous act of presumption rather than wait for the Father to exalt Him.

Third Temptation: Desire of Eyes - Satan offers Jesus the Kingdom without the Cross.

D Thomas
JESUS | Luke 2:1-7


Caesar Augustus Prepared the World for JESUS

Joseph Traveled to Bethlehem for JESUS

Mary Gave Birth to JESUS

D Thomas