Our Desperate Need for His Help
Why Only His Help Is Sufficient
Our Comfort in His Help
Our Desperate Need for His Help
Why Only His Help Is Sufficient
Our Comfort in His Help
Sin is a Greater Problem Than We Realize
Our Restoration is Greater Than We Realize
Our Restoration is for a Greater Purpose Than We Realize
The word concealed
The word revealed
The Word vindicated
Step One - Stop being anxious
Step Two - Drop to our knees in humble prayer
Step Three - Put out the flames of discontent
Renouncing the Ungodly Way
Delightin in the Lord's Way
Prospering in the Fruitful Way
How do we receive eternal life?
What is it?
To whom this calling comes
How this calling becomes effective
Assurance of our Fellowship with God vv. 4:14-21
Assurance of our Sonship vv. 5:1-5
Arrested, Bound and Interrogated
Assaulted, Denied by Disciples
Declares Kingship, Hated by Unbelievers
The Spirit Makes the Difference
The Incarnation Makes the Difference
The Gospel Makes the Difference
Worthy: It’s a testimony to y’all’s faith in Christ
Worthy: It’s assuring of salvation in Christ
Worthy: It’s granted on behalf of Christ
Pray to Glorify God's Word
Pray for Protections
Pray for Holy Living
Ten Men Healed (vv. 11-14)
One Man Cleansed (vv. 15-16a)
The Reveal: "He was a Samaritan" (vv. 16b-19)
Conceived by the Holy Ghost
Testified of by an Angel of the Lord
The fulfillment of Prophesy
Born of the Virgin Mary
Jesus is the One Who does the seeking
Jesus saves those whom He seeks